MLBB Tips and Tricks Review

This is taken from user BestJanna in Mobile Legends forum. As everyone has their own favorite gameplay and styles, this thread seems to give the actual guide on how to really play MLBB. Let's review them shall we? X-D

"Set your settings to target lowest hp & free aim mode. There is a somewhat little button below the attack button to rotate target between minions/tower/champion."
> I find this is useful. Did you know there is three types of targetting in the game?

"Due to how ML targetting system works you can actually abuse it during laning phase, some people dont know how to change/manually target using their skills button. So instead of their skills hitting you it'll just hit the minions lol. Going sideways left/right side of your minions helps. Experiment with it and happy ranking ^^"
> Some player just stays in one place and tries to keep hitting the creeps until it dies but actually the enemy creep was killed first by their own creep way before they do it. Moving sideways is one way to do it, but the real technique is to professionally estimate the hp bar of the creep and to last hit that tiny hp of the creep at all cost. With enough training last hitting is a breeze.

"The vision on this game is a joke, I mean like you can literally see someone beyond the mountains lmfao. Using this info make a habit to look at the minimap once every 2-5 sec to see if someone is mia in lane or where their position is. I get paranoid when the opponent uses Natalia... keeps on checking the map and the head signal on where she is Q.Q"
> This mobile MOBA is unlike the PC MOBA so this is to be expected. But the practice to always keep alert by watching the minimap religiously helps you to plan your next push or to return to your base.
> And yes, I hate Natalia if the enemy use her. Invincible heroes in this game is unlike DotA, where we can buy sentry ward to see them or dust of appearance to detect them. What a nightmare. The exclamation mark is actually too late to signal us.

"Best way to farm is to last hit (killing blow), there is a big diff between last hitting and not 50g / 30g melee minion 121g / 90g seige minion. Total that in the long run."
> Yep, no doubt about that. Melee heroes and ranged heroes need to know their attack timing whether that particular attack manage to land the last hit or not.

"Best way to farm is take jungle buff camp early on solo/leash, then the second jung camp. Follow this rthyem jung buff > jung > lane > lane > jung > lane > lane > jung buff > jung > lane and so on."
> Rhythm: This depends with your chosen hero. Just don't be surprised when your enemy missing from your lane and suddenly their level is 2 level higher than you. Believe in the power of farming jungling.

"You will be more in gold and exp + jung buffs then your opponent."
> Your jungling item matters. Your hero initial skills also helps when you jungling in the early game.

"Build lifesteal (Tooth of greed/fallen sword) as your second core item after upgraded boots if you are an AD for some sustainability in lane and on jung."
> I don't think both items still exists in the game right now.

"The item Deadly Blade counters tanks like Mino hard. It negates their hp regen by 50%. Get it ! No ones buys it ffs"
> Proven. Any tank or hero depending on life stealing will have a hard life. Please consider this item. And, which magic items that has the same ability? Can you guess it?

"And items with "Unique" on them does not stack it's effect with each other of the same item name."
> This attribute is like the 'Unique Attack Modifier' previously exists in DotA. But people do buy the same item thinking the effect stack or doubled. Wrong! (Not necessarily) ;-P

"The ingame map is kinda not really mirrored in a way, it's the opposite view actually. Like  on your POV you are going bot lane, your bot lane is your opponent top lane. That's why sometimes in a match you will see bot lane has a fighter hero and the top lane has the opponent adc hero. Or in an easier prespective, the game ALWAYS starts with your red buff jung camp at the bottom side of the map and the opponent blue buff jung camp is also on the bottom side of the map. In other words there are no " true Red side or true Blue side"."
> If you wanna see the reality of this, try downloading your game replay and watch it. Sometimes you're in the upper base sometimes you're in the bottom base fighting.

"What we can do using this info is that you can abuse the camera angle vision of the game. You notice that you can see more things on the upper side of your screen rather then the bottom side of your screen, because the game camera is centered on your hero unit. Same as your opponent. So take advantage of it and fight/engage from their blind spot."
> Pretty technical, but not so much. Just hide and the bushes and gank your enemy. Or charge them with Johnson and Jawhead inside him. Bam!

"Try and make use of the minimap, you can click on the mini map to view different parts of the map as the game camera is mostly centered focus on your hero. Get used on using your fingers to move your hero and clicking on the minimap at the same time. The more vision you have + the more info you have = better gamemaking decissions."
> Learn to ping. That minimap can be enlarged so you can ping aka calling your ally attention to the specific place in the map. Whether you ping for them to go defending or pushing.

"Don't buy the same item build in every matchups, it's a noob trap. Change builds accordingly. You wouldn't want to buy that magic reduction boots when the opponent has all AD and no mages now would you?"
> Recommended item build is not really that bad. And you can choose either any of 3 of them. But please learn to know your enemy typing and then you won't buy useless item as it cannot help or counter your enemy skills.

"Protect your last tower ( inhibitor ) at all cost ! It does not respawn unlike in League Of Legends. Once it's destroyed it's free lane pressure for that lane 24/7."
> For me all tower is precious. But tier 1 tower is can be sacrificed. If you are pro player, basically you still can preserve all your tower and still win the game. The Real MVP!

"All of the game modes are blind picks. Even on rank modes it is a blind pick. There is no pick and ban phase. So pls adept and choose heroes accourdingly to what your team is lacking and don't go full retard with an all AD team comp Yun, Balmond, Alucard, Miya, Bruno. You'll get rekt on teamfights against a team on tank, mage, adc, fighter, assassin."
> New patches and newer update has bans. But still there is some game where all players use MM and win the game. A fully retard game but it's doable.
>But please, don't do this. One MM, one Mage, one Fighter, one Tank, one Assasin. Still, in any game there must be at least one MM and one Tank heroes.

"CC is often understimated in every moba game. More CC = easy win."
> Crowd control heroes are the best. Fast lane clearing means fast money and better item bought while faster in levelling up.

"Layla at lvl 12 can freely hit EVERY towers including the victory tower outside of their hit range. Abuse it."
> Hey, every new player must learn how to play with Layla (during first my experience playing this game) and you should've already known this. And after that you get hero Zilong for free and learn to use him too. Layla ultimate is the one makes her range is absolute cheat but too bad almost every MM hero has the lowest HP in the game - which makes them the nutritional food for the enemy. Damn!

Well, that's my noob review. ;-P Feel free to add more in the comments~

Link = [ MobileLegends Forum: Just some usefull tips & tricks ].

Another kiddo arrives: Chang'e.


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